EWDTS Executive Board


Alberto Salomone, Italy

Alberto Salomone

Alberto is Associate Professor at the University of Turin, Department of Chemistry, and Supervisor of the Forensic Toxicology Unit at Centro Regionale Antidoping e di Tossicologia. He is regularly appointed as expert by the prosecutors to provide assessment within complex judicial cases on biological fluids, drug-facilitated crimes and post-mortem. President of EWDTS and member of TIAFT, SoHT, SOFT, GTFI and SITOX. Alberto co-edited a book about Hair Analysis in Clinical and Forensic Toxicology and co-authored several peer-reviewed journal articles and plenary lectures at national and international scientific meetings.


José Restolho, Portugal

José received his PhD in Forensic Toxicology in the University of Lisbon (Portugal). Currently works as Head of International sales at Eurofins Forensic Services (UK) and is also a certified collector and collector’s trainer for urine, oral fluid and hair. José authored and co-authored several peer-reviewed journal articles and several plenary lectures at international scientific meetings. He is also a member of the International Committee of NDASA (USA).


Wim Schielen, The Netherlands

Wim Schielen

I am basically an Organic Chemist with a long track-record in human and veterinary diagnostics. I have been a Research Director at Prionics Lelystad, responsible for the development of the current line of Classical Swine Fever and Food and Mounth Disease screening assays. I have been responsible for many veterinary disease-eradication programs in far-away countries and have skills in the setting up of laboratories, implementing quality-systems, training lab-staff on Elisa screening and eradication-techniques.
Since end of 2011 I'm running a private testing lab that fully focuses on Elisa-testing, serving BeterVee BV (www.betervee.nl) with commercial veterinary testing and The Maastricht Forensic Institute (www.TMFI.nl) with Elisa-Tox testing.
My main area of interests are (International) Regulations, Guidelines for Elisa-testing, Lab-setup and sample integrity/logistics.


Serap Annette Akgür, Turkey

Serap Annette Akgür

Serap Annette Akgür, after completing her education as medical assistant on medical pharmacology, she spent over 20 years working in the field of drug abuse and drug testing in Ege University. As a founder of the Institute on Drug Abuse, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, she is professor at the Institute on Addiction Toxicology Department.
She is the President of Society of Forensic and Clinical Toxicology in Turkey, member of IFDAT and Turkish representative of TIAFT working for specific scientific, regulatory or administrative aspects for drug testing and anti-drug effort. Serap co-authored several articles and plenary lectures at national and international scientific meetings.

Peter Akrill, UK

Peter Akrill

Peter began his career in Analytical Toxicology at Cardiff Bioanalytical Services in 1994, carrying out analysis of clinical trials samples for CBS and hair samples for the then fledgling Tricho-Tech business. He then worked for 9 years for the UK government at the Health and Safety Laboratory. As part of his role there he was involved in the development and use of analytical techniques for monitoring workers exposure to chemicals. He carried out novel research into chemical exposure, and also contributed to the advice given to government to support their policies. It was also here that he began a long association with the analysis of drugs of abuse in oral fluid. This continued when he joined Cozart (now Alere Toxicology) in 2005, where he had overall responsibility for the oral fluid testing laboratory for many years. In this role he oversaw the provision of a drug testing services to the workplace, drug addiction treatment and criminal justice sectors in particular. As Senior Toxicologist he is now focussed on providing toxicological advice and support to the analytical service users, technical training to analytical staff and provision of specialist training to groups such as Medical Review Officers. Peter also advises a wide range of organisations on the development of robust workplace drug and alcohol policies.
Peter is a member of the LTG as well as The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT). He has published peer reviewed papers and a book chapter and given oral presentations at international conferences including at the EWDTS. Additionally, he was a member of the forum that developed the UK guidelines for legally defensible workplace drug testing in oral fluid.

Per Björklöv, Sweden

IFDAT Organizer Sr. Director, International Operations at DISA Global Solutions Sweden and CEO for Drugtesting Scandinavia in Stockholm
Per lives in Stockholm, Sweden. He studied at University of Stockholm (teaching, information and marketing) and University of Uppsala, (biology and geography). He worked between 1991 and 2005 at the Department of Pharmacology at Huddinge University Hospital in Stockholm, with the project "Workplace Drug Testing and Doping”. Per started DrugtestScandinavia in 2006 and has since become Senior Director, International Operations at DISA Global Solutions.
Per organized the first European symposium on Drug Testing at the Workplace in 1998 and also co-founded the European Workplace Drug Testing Society (EWDTS). He was president of EWDTS from 2000 – 2005. Per is also the initiator and founder of IFDAT, the International Forum for Drug and Alcohol Testing.

Marc Deveaux, France

Marc Deveaux

Marc Deveaux (PharmD, PhD) began his career in analytical toxicology as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Lille, France, in 1981 and he spent 30 years working in the field of post-mortem toxicology, forensic toxicology, street drugs analysis and DIUD cases. He developed workplace drug tasting since 10 years. He is regularly appointed as an expert by the judges and the prosecutors (Court of Appeal in Paris and French High Court) to provide assessment within complex judicial cases on biological fluids, drug-facilitated crimes and post-mortem toxicology. He has published more than 200 reviewed papers, book chapters and given hundreds of oral presentations and poster presentations at international and French meetings including at the EWDTS meetings, with a special attention to the toxicological analysis of alternative matrices as hair and saliva. He is currently member of SFTA (French association of analytical toxicologists), TIAFT, UKIAFT and SoFT (associations of forensic toxicologists), SoHT (Society of Hair Testing) together with being a Board member of the EWDTS.

Monica Eneholm, Sweden

Monica Eneholm

Monica Eneholm studied Medicine at Uppsala Universitet, and qualified as a Medical Doctor in 1993. She worked in the fields of Gynecology, General medicine, Internal medicine and Geriatrics before specializing in Neurology at Universitetssjukhuset Örebro (USÖ). During this period she became the mother of three children.
In 2004 she entered into Occupational healthcare, and has since then worked as a Consultant for Previa, Avonova, and since 2016 for Feelgood, except for three years when she worked as a Consultant in Addiction Medicine at Beroendecentrum USÖ. 2007 she became MRO after training at Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset, and has been responsible for different drug testing programs at the Occupational healthcare clinics she has worked at. She is also a member of the board of SAMF (Svensk Arbets- och Miljömedicinsk Förening).

James Nutt, Wales, UK

James Nutt

James has a Bachelor of Science degree with Honours in Forensic Science from the University of Glamorgan, Wales (now University of South Wales).
James entered the field in 2006 at TrichoTech, prior to its sale to Concateno and subsequently Alere Toxicology. He worked in a variety of laboratory based roles, ranging from the analysis of hair, saliva and urine samples to the reporting of their results.
In 2011, Cansford Laboratories was formed to provide hair and saliva testing to the UK and global markets with their sister laboratory Chromatox, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. James joined Cansford soon after its inception as a Senior Scientist, and was employed as Laboratory Manager. He was involved in all related laboratory procedures, interpretation of results including regulatory and legal implications of analytical results. In addition to his regular responsibilities, he participated in R&D initiatives and has been involved in the development and validation of several propriety techniques used in the laboratory. In September 2012 the laboratory was accredited to ISO 17025 by UKAS. In addition to managing the laboratory, James prepared witness statements for use in family/county court proceedings. As such, he was a key point of contact for technical enquiries received from clients, social services, and court support staff. He was also deputy Quality Manager for the company.
James is now a senior lecturer in Forensic Sciences (Toxicology and Separation Science) at the University of South Wales.
James has attended and presented research findings at various scientific conferences, social work shows and solicitor's group seminars.
James is a member of the Society of Hair Testing (SOHT), The International Association of Forensic Toxicologists (TIAFT), the Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC), London Toxicology Group (LTG), together with being a Board member of the European Workplace Drug Testing Society (EWDTS).

Maria de Fátima Pereira da Silva, Portugal

Fátima Pereira da Silva is part of the Traffic Psychology International (TPI), where she leads the Public Relations Group, and part of: “German Society for Traffic Psychology (DGVP)”. She is Invited Associate Professor at Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra- IPC (since 2000).Over the years she is responsible for teaching among others: Training of Workers in Companies; Total Quality Management; Organizational Knowledge Management. She is also a national and international expert and consultant in human resource management and road safety since 1988 (Europe and Latina America) and CEO of InOutCister, Lda (company specializing in Road Safety). She was the Coordinator of: (a) IX Workshop of International Traffic Psychology (May 2015); (b) "Human Factor and Road Safety -.. Towards Zero Accidents- From-Century IXX to Century XXI - Three centuries, Three Good Practices in Three Minutes" (May 2015; (c) “World day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims” (November, 2014); (d) “European night without accidents” (0ctober, 2013, 2014); (e) ”Weighting for the consumption of alcohol/drugs and driving for university students” (May, 2014, 2015). She is member of: Scientific and Editorial Board of Polish Social Gerontology Journal; Commission of Chamber of Portuguese Psychologists for Accreditation of Testing and Evidence in assessing drivers. She is authored of international journal articles and plenary lectures at national and international scientific meetings. She is part as an author in the book: Kleinmann, K.,et.al, (2015) Transport Psychology Trends 2014, Banská Bystrica, Salvus s.r.o, ISBN: 978-80-970920-3. She has a Master Degree from the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Coimbra (2004): Research work: “Learning and behaviours in car driving” and she is taking a PhD about Organizational Work and Human Resources Management (Road Safety Research).

EWDTS ® 2023, The European Workplace Drug Testing Society
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